
【 FB「教主」Mark Zuckerberg 二女出世 望女兒度過愉快童年】

facebook創辦人Mark Zuckerberg在facebook宣佈二女August出生,並上載一家四口全家福及給幼女的信。
Mark早於3月已在facebook宣佈,華裔妻子Priscilla Chan再度懷胎,並於8月初透露,今年會放兩個月侍產假,先放一個月迎接August出世,今年稍後再放一個月。和前年大女陳明宇(Maxima Chan Zuckerberg)出生時一樣,Mark及Priscilla 也寫了一封公開信給妹妹。他們在信中表示,對女兒長大後身訖的世界感到樂觀,但指出「這可能是個嚴肅的世界」,因此他們希望女兒應該度過「魔法般的」童年,因為每個人「只會有一次機會做小朋友」,「女兒長大後也會很忙」,所以在小時候應該多花時間盡情玩、盡情睡、盡情造夢,叫女兒不要為未來太過擔憂。
Priscilla懷首胎前曾三度流產,當大女出世時,當時夫婦二人表示會將99%的 FB 的資產捐給慈善事業。

Dear August,

Welcome to the world! Your mom and I are so excited to see who you will become.

When your sister was born, we wrote a letter about the world we hoped she and now you will grow up in — a world with better education, fewer diseases, stronger communities, and greater equality. We wrote that with all the advances in science and technology, your generation should live dramatically better lives than ours, and we have a responsibility to do our part to make that happen. Even though headlines often focus on what’s wrong, we still believe these positive trends will win out. We’re optimists about your generation and the future.

But rather than write about growing up, we want to talk about childhood. The world can be a serious place. That’s why it’s important to make time to go outside and play.

You will be busy when you’re older, so I hope you take time to smell all the flowers and put all the leaves you want in your bucket now. I hope you read your favorite Dr. Seuss books so many times you start inventing your own stories about the Vipper of Vipp. I hope you ride the carousel with Max until you’ve tamed every color horse. I hope you run as many laps around our living room and yard as you want. And then I hope you take a lot of naps. I hope you’re a great sleeper. And I hope even in your dreams you can feel how much we love you.

Childhood is magical. You only get to be a child once, so don’t spend it worrying too much about the future. You’ve got us for that, and we’ll do everything we possibly can to make sure the world is a better place for you and all children in your generation.

August, we love you so much and we’re so excited to go on this adventure with you. We wish you a life of joy, love and the same hope you give us.


Mom and Dad

來源: Mark Zuckerberg fb
